كوني مثليه لا يعني انني بلا قيم ومثل ودين واخلاق انها مشاعري وفطرتي التي خلقت بها ابحث عن الحب والدفء في العلاقه الانسانيه اعلم جيدا انني مرفوضه لدى البعض ولكنني انسانه افضل بكثير من الذين ينظرون لي بهذه النظره السوداء من يؤمن بي اهلا به ومن هو ضدي فليذهب الى الجحيم ما عدت ابالي بهم بعد الآن ,,,, الامضاء انسانه فوق الطبيعه
Mar 29, 2010
كوني مثليه
كوني مثليه لا يعني انني بلا قيم ومثل ودين واخلاق انها مشاعري وفطرتي التي خلقت بها ابحث عن الحب والدفء في العلاقه الانسانيه اعلم جيدا انني مرفوضه لدى البعض ولكنني انسانه افضل بكثير من الذين ينظرون لي بهذه النظره السوداء من يؤمن بي اهلا به ومن هو ضدي فليذهب الى الجحيم ما عدت ابالي بهم بعد الآن ,,,, الامضاء انسانه فوق الطبيعه
Posted by LesbianTomboy 1 comments
Mar 22, 2010
The Butch-Femme
Remember the first time you began to think that you were different from all the other girls? You know the type? I want a husband, 2.5 kids, a new car , and a house in the suburbs. Well I knew early on this road was not an option for me, at some point I realized I wanted the same thing the guys did, A GIRL FRIEND
men just never truly clicked for me. I have crushes on all types of ladies from the hairdresser to the bank teller to the ever popular choice the teacher. It is common for most lesbians to discover their first romantic feelings through these types of encounters or secret loves. I guess this was about the time I discovered I was attracted to a certain type of woman as well, the elusive femme, a lady who wears makeup, loves her dresses, high heels, wouldn’t be caught dead without her hair just so, and let’s not forget those well manicured cat like nails.
As I get older I’ve come to accept certain facts, I’m a butch, it is who I am, it is not my role! It’s really quite simple as a butch; I want someone who is my complete opposite. It’s funny how all the things I wouldn’t do or wear, I love in the women I date! The whole world is modeled on male and female roles, so inadvertently we apply this to our real lives when in search of our romantic partners. There all extremes of being butch and there can be just as many for the femmes, while many women don’t identify as either label. It’s really all about being comfortable with who you are and finding the type of ladies you prefer in your life for romance.
Now for those of you, who don’t understand or agree with the butch – femme mystique, don’t worry because you are not alone! It’s taken me the better part of 30 years and I still don’t always get it, you will find that people can have some rather strong opinions on this perplexing and complicated subject. Don’t understand what I’m talking about; examine your own insights on the people you see around you or date. At any given time look at a personals ad online or in print, you have some women who avoid what they call “pseudo males “, their reaction is “If I wanted to be with a man, I’d be with a real man“.
This phrase always brings about a strong reaction from me, just because you are a butch, it does not mean you want to be a man! There really are no roles in a relationship, it is all give and take my dear reader’s. It’s about finding the balance in your life and overall there is something uniquely intriguing about the butch – femme mystique, which is inescapable.
The most obvious difference for butches and femmes is our choice in clothing as well as our mannerisms, while our wonderful femmes love all the frilly sexy clothes with matching accessories. A butch would not get near any of those things unless her companion was sporting them. Most butches like myself prefer casual clothes or pressed shirts with jeans, sneakers, no fuss hairdo’s, natural look to makeup, and nails…What nails? On mannerisms, our wonderful femmes can soothe us with words or inflame our passion with teasing and tantalizing looks. A butch on the other hand is a practiced aggressor and loves to indulge their ladies with romantic gestures, opening doors for them, bringing flowers, candy, jewelry etc… I can’t explain to you why I feel more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt versus wearing a dress and high heels. Well I could but then I would betray the butch code of conduct, “Ok honestly ladies there is no such code! “. It really boils down to one simple statement, whether you are a butch or a femme? As lesbians we love our women with total abandon, “Enough said!”
In the butch – femme mystique, one of our favorite fantasy’s is envisioning ourselves being the white knight coming to the rescue of a fair damsel in distress or perhaps like Prince Charming finding his Cinderella. It is the ultimate conquest to find a Lady to fulfill this fantasy as it can make for the perfect arena for love, often times we may come to the rescue of a fair damsel to find ourselves being saved in the process.
Posted by LesbianTomboy 1 comments
Labels: Butch-Femme
Mar 21, 2010
something in my mind i belive in
lesbian and gay ppl its not about sex That's not what it's about. Homosexual love is about loving the person, more-so than the sex. The sex is there because that's what Heterosexuals do as well.
We love the person, and the sex organ is a part of that person. Sex is a way of communicating love,
i just wanna say to ppl
let them live their life the way they want to
if you were gay
and in love
you would do anything for your partner
just like a straight person would
who cares who they kiss or fuck
if they wanna be like that
let them be like that
Posted by LesbianTomboy 0 comments
مشاجرة دامية بين «بويات» بمقهى «قريب لواء بالداخلية» في المنطقة الحرة
مشاجرة دامية بين «بويات» بمقهى «قريب لواء بالداخلية» في المنطقة الحرة
وقعت ظهر أمس مشاجرة دامية بين مجموعة من البويات داخل المقهى الذي اشتهر في المنطقة الحرة بتخصيصه صالة خاصة لهؤلاء الفتيات من البويات اللاتي يحضرن الى المقهى وتصطحب كل منهن «الليدي» الخاصة بها.
حدثت المشاجرة وفق مصدر أمني بسبب طرد مجموعة البويات لواحدة منهن اعتدت على «الليدي» خاصتها وألحقت بها اصابات عدة، بعد ان دخلت «بوية» اخرى في
المنافسة عليها.
وكشف المصدر ان مجتمع «البويات» الذي جعل من المقهى المشهور مركز تجمع لافراده عبر دعوات يتم ارسالها بالايميل جعل من ظهر امس موعدا لاحد اللقاءات المعتادة في المقهى حيث وقعت المشاجرة عند قيام البويات بطرد احداهن، والتي ارادت تعكير صفو «الجنوس» فأرسلت بمسج عبر شبكة «البلاك بيري» التي تضم مئات المشتركين ادعت فيه وجود جريمة قتل داخل المقهى، وبتجمع عشرات المتفرجين مما دفع بعض المشتركين في الشبكة الى الاتصال بغرفة العمليات للتأكد والابلاغ عن الواقعة، حيث تفاعلت وزارة الداخلية مع البلاغ بشكل احترازي، ووجهت دورية تابعة لمخفر الشامية الى المقهى الذي جاء ذكره في المسج وبسؤال رجال الامن لاحد البويات داخل الصالة كشفت له حقيقة المشاجرة وذكرت بان البوية وتدعى «نورة» تم طردها وهي من قامت بارسال المسج لتعكير الجو وتم تسجيل اثبات
حالة بالواقعة.
واضاف المصدر ان المقهى يتمتع بمزايا تجعل منه مكانا آمنا للبويات والجنوس حيث ان مالكه قريب لواء في وزارة الداخلية ويعمل في جهة حساسة.
وكشف المصدر ان تجمعات البويات بدأت تثير القلق حيث تجمع تلك الجروبات جميع الجنسيات العربية والخليجية والآسيوية من الفتيات المنحرفات، حيث تلقت ادارة العمليات عدة بلاغات من بعض زبائن بعض المقاهي تؤكد وجود حفلات «خطبة» بين فتاتين «بويات» لكننا في كل مرة نتوجه الى الموقع ويتم ابلاغنا بان الحفلة لعيد الميلاد فقط.
واشار: في تلك المقاهي يتم تخصيص صالات خاصة للفتيات الا ان حقيقة الامر يتم بتحويلها للبويات اوالجنوس فقط ولا تقبل اي فتاة «طبيعية» بدخول ذلك المكان لوجود امو ر غريبة تحدث حيث تجلس كل «بوية» مع «الليدي» الخاصة بها في زاوية يتبادلان العاطفة الشاذة!.
المصدر من جريدة zoom الألكترونية
Posted by LesbianTomboy 1 comments
Labels: بويات
We got the “cure” for lesbians!
We got the “cure” for lesbians!
Fajer AlSi3eed (فجر السعيد), the Kuwaiti writer responsible for many Ramadan shows, goes a step beyond her usual nonsense…..she found the “cure” for lesbians!!
Apparently, if ur a lesbian, all u need is to see Mishari AlBallaam,that guy on the pict lol
Alballam is the cure? ah give me a break,
. There is a character in the show 3adeel Alroo7 that is a lesbian teenager, and they show how her family suffers from this problem and how it affects them in the eye of others! (I guess since the gay character has been done more than once, this ws the next logical step).
Anyway, in this scene, she sees AlBalaam, and all of a sudden u can see how she fell in love at first sight, loooooooooooooool (seb7an allah ) and then he showed some interest in her, and when her sister was taking a picture of them together, his hand touched hers!! (scandalous!!) ;P
Then, u see her laying in bed trying to sleep but she cant, she’s thinking of him and his touch! my god looooooooooooooooooooool is she alesbian wanna be or what meybe bisxoul i thought lesbians hate man loooooooooooool
Her sister tells her mom about it, telling her that she thinks her sister is finally “cured”!! LOL!
She has been UNlesbianized!! haaaaaaaaaahaha this is abig joke
Thank you Fajer AlSi3eed for “curing” her and showing us how to treat that “disease” as u think its adisease looooooooool while other tv shows accept thim and show us that ther is gay ppl and les in life and thats not adisease lol
Beautiful isnt it?? Writers highlighting problems in society and showing us how to treat them in a mature way
Using the wise words from Misha3il AlZankawy, the great actress who deserves an oscar for her quality acting …….. AY SHAY! all of this is bull shit
fajer alsa3eeed : GET A LIFE !
Let me tell u my theory. We r all Q80s, we have these problems in our society, as any other society. On the other hand as u know that each society has levels, weather horizontally of vertically
Seriously when will people here accept the fact that homosexuality is not a disease or some kind of (style) which one can grow out of once even though I actually believe a some of homosexuals in Kuwait are doing it as a style thing.
So men, keep your women away from the Angelina Jolies of the world, and women, keep your men away from the Brad Pitts. Coz who knows but a touch of their hand, you’d lose yours to the other camp
Posted by LesbianTomboy 1 comments
Labels: lesbian, lesbians, المثليه-البويات-اليزبيان-المثليين
Mar 13, 2010
got my email and facebook back agian
hi all i get my email and face book back agian so u can add me agian
no one can fuck with me
and my facebook
Posted by LesbianTomboy 1 comments
Mar 6, 2010
importent my email been hacked
Posted by LesbianTomboy 2 comments
Mar 4, 2010
Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me (HQ Official Music Video)
this goes to all my friends and ppl (what ya want from me )non of u can countrol my life
Hey, slow it down whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah i'm afraid whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
There might have been a time
And i would give myself away
Oooh once upon a time i didn't give a damn
But now, here we are so whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Just don't give up i'm workin it out
Please don't give in, i won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah, it's plain to see (plain to see)
That baby you're beautiful
And it's nothing wrong with you
(nothing wrong with you)
It's me, i'm a freak (yeah)
But thanks for lovin' me
Cause you're doing it perfectly
(it perfectly)
There might have been a time
When i would let you step away
I wouldn't even try
But i think you could save my life
Just don't give up i'm workin' it out
Please don't give in, i won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep comin around
Hey, whataya want from me (whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me (whataya want from me)
Just don't give up on me
(uuuuuuh) i won't let you down
No, i won't let you down
(so i) just don't give up
I'm workin it out
Please don't give in, i won't let you down
It messed me up (it messed me up)
Need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Just don't give up i'm workin' it out
Please don't give in, i won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me (whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me (whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me
Posted by LesbianTomboy 0 comments